You get specialists on your team

You get guaranteed savings and clinical pathways. We have a two pronged approach: utilization management program and a digital proactive MSK condition management program.

Employers save 41%+ in MSK.  The quality of care goes up immediately. We support your local physicians by helping them with the latest evidence based management.

Digital health designed by physicians

We match specialists to work with the specialists.

Today's programs have internal medicine or primary care MDs reviewing cases and doing the peer to peer.  
It doesn't work.

It frustrates the local MDs AND it doesn't change clinician behavior

Step 1

Short Questionnaire & Documentation

Clinical questionnaires and documentation gives our specialists the ability to have a comprehensive view of the member.

Step 2

Board Certified Specialist Review / Visit

They give you a recommendation on how to achieve your best outcome after discussing your care goals. We help you navigate injections vs physical therapy vs chiropractic vs OP surgery vs MRIs.

Step 3


We get you to a local physician with the highest quality and find the best path for you. (low-cost imaging, high quality PT, high quality surgeons)

Step 4

Follow-up and Communicate

Monitor treatment, progress and interact with the local physician if something isn’t advancing.

Why You?

High orthopedic costs in your population
You want proven ROI for your employers
You want quality and not just a restrictive prior authorization program
Your care management team could benefit from having experts in their back pocket
Your networks are becoming difficult to navigate
You are worried about the combination of providers
You would rather go after medical inflation than let it happen to you
You want a proactive solution in addition to a utilization program
It has happened with your family and you are not sure how to change
You want to give your provider market more respect instead of checklists

We don't work with:

Teams that don't want to innovation
Groups comfortable with the current market
The mindset: Sign the renewal and see you next year
"We've always done it this way so we will keep it this way"
Groups not interested in cost savings
Groups believe they have it all figured out