Your Personal Specialist Physician

We've removed the barriers set up by the healthcare system. Faster answers, faster diagnosis, faster return to work, less surgery, lower cost of care, and less visits. No conflicts or incentives to do certain (expensive) procedures.

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The US🇺🇸 performs 2X the number of orthopedic procedures as other nations without any improvement in quality of life.

The biggest opportunity to improve your benefits is in utilization management not orthopedic pricing. We help you answer the question is this procedure necessary with board-certified orthopedic surgeons.

Costs are out of control

Employees number one frustration with their benefit plan is cost.

Musculoskeletal costs are #1 for employers

It is the largest diagnosis group for employer aged patients.

Personalized care

The outcomes are getting worse and the guidelines are getting better. We need a connection point to what works.


It's Sam, President and Co-Founder of MDDirect.

Healthcare gets a bad rap. But it shouldn't. Healthcare is the single greatest act of compassion we humans are capable of.

It feels amazing to have a complete stranger take you by the hand in your most difficult moments. You watch as your first child is born or back pain chains you to your bed, or knee pain forces you inside on a beautiful day. As they take care of you and your family, you feel the decades of expert training, thoughtfulness and empathy from your doctor. Often after this, you feel the best you can offer in return is give them a hug.

It is why, we humans are the most amazing species.

But things have changed.

You suddenly feel like a number. Instead of an intimate conversation with your doctor, you get a cold waiting room, 5-minutes with the doctor feeling like it is on 2x speed, and the billing nightmares. Your treatments drag on with no end in sight, bills pile up and your bank account starts to leak. And with all of this, you aren't better.

And hospitals, big health systems and giant insurance companies just let it happen.

A doctors visit feels less like care and much more like a search for more tests, more visits and more surgeries.

And it is your responsibility to protect yourself, your family and your bank account.

And yet, healthcare remains this paradox.

Despite all of this, healthcare performs miracles. Every day, people are healed from debilitating conditions returning to what they love to do. It could be playing with your kids/grandkids, walks with friends, pickle ball, and the list goes on...

It is simple really. Figure out what is wrong, find and execute the right, proven, treatment.

Personalized, specialty-driven care.

So, I've got good news for you. The magic is still there. It has been buried underneath layers of confusion, conflicting incentives and disorganized systems. Instead of working against you and your employers, it should work for you.

Healthcare deserves a big hug. It is time we held it's hand and lead it to greener pastures.

And we've done just that with MDDirect, back to how it should be.

It is our gift to healthcare.


Why Now?

Orthopedics (or musculoskeletal) is 5.7% of our national GDP.
Employer spend the most on MSK diagnosis.  For Americans under 65 it is the largest healthcare condition.
It is also the number 1 profit driver for health systems.
Employers want to spend less and health systems want to increase revenue. Something has got to give.
Specialists have been kept at the end of the care journey.

Why Us?

We are founded by a physician and an operator who wanted to leave the healthcare incentives behind.

Instead of living in the existing fee structure which is causing no improvement clinically, we have designed a solution focused on obtaining outcomes. Getting better at a lower cost.

We are physicians, nurses and healthcare consultants who have been in the healthcare system for over 100 years.

The team has authored over 74 articles and 22 book chapters on orthopedic best practice and growing.

50% of MSK care is not evidence based*

You get experience on your team. Take your utilization management and care coordination to the next level.